
Welcome to Calligraphy Club! 💚

We seek to promote and practice calligraphy together with people who love calligraphy.

Learn Calligraphy 🖋

No prior experience in calligraphy? No problem! Our club is open to anyone who would like to participate and welcomes students interested in calligraphy of all levels. Workshops will be held once a month with free food and music!

Make a Difference 😇

Calligraphy Club of Notre Dame will remain true to the University of Notre Dame’s mission to serve local communities. We have partnered with Notre Dame Center for Arts and Culture to teach kids calligraphy once or twice a semester in 2018. We will also be selling cards on campus for fundraising to donate to South Bend Center for the Homeless.

Private: 😛😜😝😍

The purpose of Calligraphy Club of Notre Dame shall be to promote and enhance individuals’ writing and creativity by recognizing and educating the art of calligraphy through exchange of ideas and practicing.

The Constitution of the Calligraphy Club of Notre Dame


Have Questions?

You can reach us at callig@nd.edu for questions, information on upcoming events, or more.

Join Us

Calligraphy Club of Notre Dame ☘️ welcomes students interested in calligraphy of all levels. To stay updated on our events, email us and we will add you to our listserv. You can request membership here.

Note: You need to click “here” only once. CCND will approve your membership through SAO as well as add you on the listserv.