The Original Trial of Nicholas Salmanovich Rubashov

You have been digging in Arthur Koestler’s personal archives and make an astonishing discovery.  You have found Koestler’s original draft of Darkness at Noon, and it is not at all like the final version of the book.  For one thing, in the draft, Rubashov is arrested for the crime of “violating the true spirit of the communist movement” shortly after the suicide of Little Loewy.  There is no second visit to the interrogation room, and hence no Ivanov, no Gletkin.  Second, the draft is unfinished, and breaks off before the court renders its verdict against Rubashov.

The original draft presents the pivotal courtroom scene this way:

Prosecutor:  “Your Honor, the state charges N. S. Rubashov with complicity in the death of Little Loewy, a.k.a. ‘the Cat and Bark Eater.’  Comrade Rubashov knew all along what it meant to do the right thing in acting on the high ideals of our movement. Instead, he consciously chose to act in a way that is unbefitting a communist revolutionary.”

Defense Attorney:  “No, Your Honor, my esteemed comrade is completely wrong.  Rubashov correctly interpreted the requisites of our revolution.  Accordingly, his expectations of Little Loewy were completely correct.”

Since Koestler is long gone, you have the chance to complete this draft of Darkness at Noon exactly as you see fit.  Which of the two sides right–the prosecution or the defense–and why?

Assignment. Please respond to this question with one cohesive argument. Your essay should accomplish three objectives: 1) It should unequivocally state which position you support; 2) It should indicate what each position is about; and 3) It should clearly explain why you are choosing one position over the other.  NOTE:  your goal is to persuade the judge that you are right.  The other attorney is wrong. Keep in mind that Koestler is making an argument in Darkness at Noon.  Thus, your assignment is not to describe the story but to respond one way or another to his argument.

Remember: You are writing one paper, not two. Thus, answer this question and not some other question that you wish I had asked. Address counterarguments directly. Use evidence from your readings.  Be concise and to the point. Be Orwell!

Requirements. Your essay should be no more than 5 typed, double-spaced pages (12 point font and regular margins) of incisive reasoning. It should have a carefully-chosen title that tantalizes the reader and indicates where you are going.  Don’t forget to put your name on it!

Based upon our discussion about the challenges of great writing, you should begin this essay immediately. Then, put it aside.  Then, return to it and revise it.  And so on.  Would it be too much for me to request that you compose the five, best pages of prose that you have ever written in your life—i.e. even better than your first essay?

Your finished essay is due on Monday, April 6.  Please send it to me at

Good luck, and have fun!