Journal Publications

[20]   Adjerid, I., Adler-Milstein, J., Angst, C. (2018). Reducing Healthcare Spending Through Electronic Information Exchange: The Role of Incentives and Exchange Maturity. Information Systems Research (Forthcoming). Link

[19]   Angst, C., Wowak, K., Handley, S., Kelley, K. (2017). Antecedents of Information Systems Sourcing Strategies in U.S. Hospitals: A Longitudinal Study. MIS Quarterly, 41(4), 1-35. Link

[18]   Angst, C., Block, E., D’Arcy, J., Kelley, K. (2017). When Do IT Security Investments Matter? Accounting for the influence of institutional factors in the context of healthcare data breaches. MIS Quarterly, 41 (3) 893-916. Link

[17]   Wowak, K., Adjerid, I., Angst, C., Guzman, J.C., (2016). A Tutorial on Empirical ICT4D Research in Developing Countries: Processes, Challenges, and Lessons. Communications of the AIS, 38(1), Article 21, 353-374. Link

  • Office of the Dean Mission Award, for research that supports the mission of the Mendoza College of Business

[16]   Handley, S., Angst, C. (2015). The Impact of Culture on the Relationship between Governance and Opportunism in Outsourcing Relationships. Strategic Management Journal, 36(9), 1412-1434. Link (42 Citations Google Scholar[1])

[15]   Angst, C., Agarwal, R., Gao, G. G., Khuntia, J., McCullough, J. S. (2014). Information Technology and Voluntary Quality Disclosure by Hospitals. Decision Support Systems, 57(1), 367-375. Link (17 Citations).

[14]   Magni, M., Angst, C., Agarwal, R. (2013). Everybody Needs Somebody: The Influence of Team Network Structure on Information Technology Use. Journal of Management Information Systems (Lead article), 29(3), 9-42. (29 Citations).

[13]   Angst, C., Devaraj, S., D’Arcy, J. P. (2012). Dual Role of IT-Assisted Communication in Patient Care: A Validated Structure-Process-Outcome Framework. Journal of Management Information Systems, 2012(29(2)), 255-291. (33 Citations).

[12]   Mishra, A. N., Anderson, C. M., Angst, C., Agarwal, R. (2012). Electronic Health Records Assimilation and Physician Identity Evolution: An Identity Theory Perspective. Information Systems Research, 2012(3 (Part 1 of 2)), 738-760. (55 Citations).

[11]   Queenan, C. R., Angst, C., Devaraj, S. (2011). Doctors’ Orders – If they’re electronic, do they improve patient satisfaction? A complements/substitutes perspective. Journal of Operations Management, 29(7-8), 639-649. (39 Citations).

[10]   Angst, C., Devaraj, S., Queenan, C. R., Greenwood, B. (2011). Performance Effects Related to the Sequence of Integration of Healthcare Technologies. Production and Operations Management 20(3 (Special Issue on Healthcare Operations Mgmt)), 319-333. (62 Citations).

  • 2013 POMS College of Service Operations Most Influential Paper Award

[9]     DesRoches, C. M., Agarwal, R., Angst, C., Fischer, M. A. (2010). Differences Between Integrated And Stand-Alone E-Prescribing Systems Have Implications For Future Use. Health Affairs (Impact Factor 3.582), 29(12), 2268-2277. (30 Citations).

[8]     Angst, C., Agarwal, R., Sambamurthy, V., Kelley, K. (2010). Social Contagion and Information Technology Diffusion: The Adoption of Electronic Medical Records in US Hospitals. Management Science (Lead article), 56(8), 1219-1241. (206 Citations).

[7]     Agarwal, R., Angst, C., DesRoches, C., Fischer, M. (2010). Technological Viewpoints (Frames) about Electronic Prescribing in Physician Practices. JAMIA (Impact Factor 3.974), 17(4), 425-431. (36 Citations).

[6]     Angst, C. (2009). Protect My Privacy or Support the Common-Good?  Ethical questions about electronic health information exchanges. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(Supplement 2), 169-178. (32 Citations).

[5]     Agarwal, R., Angst, C., Magni, M. (2009). The Performance Effects of Coaching: A Multilevel Analysis Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20(10), 2110-2134. (118 Citations).

[4]     Angst, C., Agarwal, R. (2009). Adoption of Electronic Health Records in the Presence of Privacy Concerns: The Elaboration Likelihood Model and Individual Persuasion. MIS Quarterly, 33(2), 339-370. (632 Citations).

–      2016, 2017, 2018 Emerald Citations of Excellence Award – The ESI Threshold reveals the number of citations received by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% of countries and journals in a 10-year period.

[3]     Angst, C., Agarwal, R., Kuruzovich, J. (2008). Bid or Buy? Individual Shopping Traits as Predictors of Strategic Exit in Online Auctions. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(1), 59-84. (46 Citations).

[2]     Kuruzovich, J., Angst, C., Faraj, S., Agarwal, R. (2008). Wireless Communication Role in Patient Response Time: A Study of Vocera Integration With a Nurse Call System. Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN), 26(3), 159-166. (27 Citations)

[1]     Karahanna, E., Agarwal, R., Angst, C. (2006). Reconceptualizing Compatibility Beliefs in Technology Acceptance. MIS Quarterly, 30(4), 781-804. (533 Citations)

–      2016, 2017, 2018 Emerald Citations of Excellence Award – The ESI Threshold reveals the number of citations received by the top 1% of authors and institutions and the top 50% of countries and journals in a 10-year period.

[1] All subsequent citations identified are as reported from Google Scholar, accessed on March 7, 2018.