Reading 00: About Me

I am Computer Science and Film double major, who enjoys film and the process of making the film. I’m studying Computer Science in order to work in the film industry working on special effects and CGI for movies. Films are a passion of mine and being able work in the film industry is a dream of mine. It is for this reason I am a Film and Computer Science major, to further my ambition to work on films using my computer science knowledge. From this class I hope to better understand the ethics of technology. A lot of emerging technology has very interesting ethical questions behind it. From self driving cars to Artificial Intelligence each has their own interesting ethical questions to delve into. The question of how self drivings cars should prioritize life, as in if a car could not stop should it run into a pedestrian or into a wall and kill the driver. It is an interesting ethical question that I am excited to delve into. Another interesting topic to consider is Artificial Intelligence, what is it to be alive? Is an Artificial Intelligence considered alive? If it is what does that mean for programmers? Should the people who build an artificial intelligence be responsible for it to a greater degree than they would be for normal code? Ethics are an interesting question to consider in terms of programming. I hope to have a better understanding of how to approach a lot of the ethical issues surrounding programming that I may not have considered before now. There are even ethical concerns when considering computer science and its use in the film and entertainment industry. As computer graphics get better and out ability to replicate the real world improves there will be more and more questions that have to be considered about what should actually be made with computer graphics. Already there is push back to advances in computer graphics as seen in the response to Peter Cushing’s computer graphic appearance in Star Wars Rogue One. Industrial Light and Magic used state of the art motion capture and computer graphics software to create a real to life representation of Peter Cushing despite Cushing having died in 1997. Industrial Light and Magic with the full consent and support of Cushing’s estate, however, the practice still raised concerns about the ethics of cgi representation of dead actors. Further in the entertainment industry the improvement of Virtual Reality and the possibility of it being used as a substitute for real world interaction and living is something that must be considered. Virtual Reality is only in its infancy but already the potential for it to be misused are obvious. Further with hyper realistic computer graphics and improved virtual reality coming in the relatively near future. A world that looks real and can be interacted with as though it were real but is not real is an ethical dilemma that must be addressed in the near future. Overall I am looking forward to discovering and exploring the ethics of cutting edge technology.