Food Information Networks

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This project is funded by the National Institute for Food and Agriculture and focuses on addressing food insecurity at both the information and physical access levels. Our team of designers, computer scientists, and social scientists from multiple institutions are engaging in a multiple phase project to thoroughly understand the barriers to access to healthy food, develop technological supports, and deploy and study our intervention in two cities – South Bend, Indiana, and Detroit, Michigan.

The project PIs are Ron Metoyer, Nitesh Chawla, Ann-Marie Conrado, and Danielle Wood of the University of Notre Dame, and Tawanna Dillahunt of the University of Michigan. Community partners include Beckie Lies (Purdue Extension), Gillian Shaw and Michelle Sawwan (enFocus), Sue Taylor (Beacon Community Impact), and Robin Vida (St. Joseph



  • Tian, Y., Zhang, C., Metoyer, R., & Chawla, N. V. (2021, October). Recipe representation learning with networks. In Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (pp. 1824-1833).
  • Tian, Y., Zhang, C., Metoyer, R., & Chawla, N. V. (2022). Recipe recommendation with hierarchical graph attention network. Frontiers in big Data, 4, 778417.