Project 01: Our Code of Ethics

We have three main sections to our code of ethics: integrity, community, and engagement.  As Notre Dame Computer Science students, we thought that we should all strive to be honest and hard working, in addition to making a positive impact on the community.  Our community section mostly had to do with how we interacted with each other.  We wanted us to be respectful and supportive and to work towards creating a better environment for future students.  The engagement section refers to engaging with each other, engaging in our work, and engaging in global issues.  We tried to address not only how to act while at Notre Dame, but to give guidelines on how to act once we leave this place.

While we cover many topics, we do have some weaknesses.  I think our organization of our ideas could have been more graceful.  There are many points that could fall under multiple categories.  We had a lot of ideas and found it difficult to place them under a single category.  I think having more categories that are more specific could have helped this.

I believe that having a code of ethics is useful.  Having a something to strive for in regards to how to conduct oneself.  And if everyone works together to create that type of environment, it will be a better place for everyone.  And if we all then take these ideals out into the real world, we could start to make a change in the world.  And all of this would be really wonderful, but only if we all actually took the time and effort to read and abide by our own code of ethics.  I believe it was useful to put into words the principles that were in my head.  That way, when I go out into the workforce, I can look for a work environment that embodies those same morals.