Resources: 19th Century Europe


European History Primary Sources (EHPS): 19th Century Extensive index of scholarly digital repositories containing primary sources related to 19th-century European history. The index includes major national digital libraries in Europe and smaller digitization projects and series of e-sources. The site is searchable by country, language, subject, period, and type of source.

Making of the Modern World Online (UND restricted) Database that includes books, pamphlets, serials, essays, and other materials covering Europe in a global context from the fifteenth to early twentieth centuries.  Materials relate to an array of topics including economics, commerce, trade, manufacturing, industry, transportation, political systems, social history, women’s history, labor, and population.

Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) (UND restricted) Extensive database of full-text, fully searchable primary sources that document the long 19th century (1789-1914) across disciplines. Included are manuscripts, newspapers, pamphlets, images, maps, ephemera, statistics, and more. There are also secondary sources, teaching materials, and research tools. Currently released are 4 archives: Asia and the West: Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange; British Politics and Society; British Theater, Music, and Literature: High and Popular Culture; European Literature: The Corvey Collection. A major addition to this project will be released in Summer/Fall 2013. This will add 4 more archives: Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780-1925; Europe and Africa: Commerce, Christianity, Civilization, and Conquest; Women: Transnational Networks; Photography: The World through the Lens.

NINES: Nineteenth-Century Scholarship Online Search engine to locate the best scholarly resources pertaining to the long 19th century (1770-1920).

Repositories of Primary Sources An extensive, international list of over 5,000 sites with holdings of manuscripts, rare books, historical photographs, and archival materials. The site includes countries throughout the world, including Europe, which is searchable by country.

Victorian Studies Bibliography An online index that lists noteworthy books, reviews, and articles. It is organized into six major categories to facilitate searching for subjects that include general histories, studies on printing and publishing, politics, religion, science, the social environment, the arts, literature, literary history, authors, critical editions, biographical studies, and more. Over 400 journals covering 1991-2003 are indexed.


Periodicals, Newspapers, and Pamphlets

Compact Memory: Internetarchiv für jüdischer Periodika Digital archive of over 100 German-language Jewish periodicals. The archive contains full text articles spanning from 1806 to 1938 with some coverage of the 18th century.

Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers (UND restricted) Database of fully searchable digitized newspapers selected from the British Library that represent 19th-century Britain.

Nineteenth Century Masterfile (UND restricted) Online cumulative index that provides citations to books, newspapers, patents, government documents from the US and UK, and over 8,000 periodicals. This began as an expansion of Poole’s Index to Periodical Literature (1802-1907) but has expanded far beyond this. It serves now as an index to nearly all English-language publishing output prior to 1925.

Nineteenth Century British Pamphlets (UND restricted) Digital collection comprised of more than 20,000 of the most significant 19th-century pamphlets held in research libraries in the United Kingdom. These pamphlets address social, political, technological, and environmental issues.

Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals (UND restricted) Searchable online collection of British periodicals (magazines, specialty newspapers, and journals) for research on British life in the Victorian era. The collection currently consist of the first two of five parts: “New Readerships: Women’s, Children’s, Humor and Leisure Sport” and “Empire: Travel and Anthropology, Economics, Missionary and Colonial. These cover: 1) how reading culture expanded through a rise in literacy and leisure and an explosion of sports hobbies, and 2) the expansion of the British Empire.

Science in the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Electronic index to the science content of general-interest periodical published in the 19th century. Includes material such as reports of Faraday’s lectures, reviews of Darwin’s Origin of Species, satirical poems, travelogues, and short stories.

Times Digital Archive (UND restricted) Digital archive of the London Times, 1785-1985.

Illustrated London News Historical Archive (UND restricted) Digital, full-color archive containing the full facsimile of the Illustrated London News, 1842-2003.


Government Publications and Legal Documents

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (UND restricted) Full texts of the Parliamentary Papers of the British House of Commons covering the 18th to 20th centuries.

Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 (UND restricted) Searchable database containing full texts of over 21,000 British and American legal works. Included are casebooks, manuals of local practice, form books, letters, pamphlets, speeches, and more.

The National Archives (UK) Locate wills, census data, immigrants’ records, and more. Some materials are available in digital format online.


Literary Endeavors

British Fiction 1800-1829: A Database of Production, Circulation, and Reception Contains bibliographical records for more than 2,000 works of fiction composed by 900 authors as well as contemporary materials such as anecdotal records, newspaper advertisements, reviews, records from 24 early 19th-century library catalogues, papers related to publishing, and more.

Nineteenth-Century Fiction (UND restricted) Searchable database containing 250 British and Irish novels written between 1782 and 1903.

Victorian Women Writers Project (VWWP) Collection of online editions of primarily lesser-known female British writers during the late 19th century. This collection represents numerous genres, including novels, poetry, children’s books, histories, political pamphlets, religious writings, and more.



Art/Fine Arts

ReVIEW (UND restricted) One of three databases comprising designinform that provides access to the most important decorative and fine arts journals published in Europe and the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Currently available are 28 journals such as The Poster/The Poster Art Collector (London), Art et Décoration (Paris), L’Exposition de Paris (Paris), and Kunst und Handwerk (Munich).


Missionary Work

International Mission Photography Archive Historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections that document missionaries’ experiences, indigenous peoples’ reactions to the missions, the histories of the indigenous churches, and images of traditional cultures, landscapes, towns, and cities. Read more

19th-Century Missionary Work in Africa Resources Listing and descriptions of resources housed at the Center for Research Libraries in Chicago (to which the Notre Dame community has access) pertaining to European missionary work and colonial administration beginning in the early 19th century.



Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive (UND restricted) Database that contains a wide range of primary and secondary materials related to the slave trade in the Atlantic world and the debates over slavery and the abolition of it. There are also links to other web resources, biographies, bibliographies, and other research tools.

Voyages: The Transatlantic Slave Trade Database Database containing records of voyages for approximately 35,000 slaving expeditions from 1514 to 1866. These records contain information about the ships, trade routes, enslaved peoples, slave traders, and owners.



Social Theory (UND restricted) Collection of selected documents written by major and minor theorists such as Durkheim, Marx, and Comte that pertain to social behavior and organization.



Biblioteca Digitale della Donne Collection of digitized materials including historical journals, posters, and books that document the memory of Italian women during the emancipation process beginning in the 1800s and continuing to present.

Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals Database provides access to a range of women’s journals and magazines that were printed between the 17th and 20th centuries. To access these, click on “Publication Search.” Then select “Women” in “by subject category.”

Women: Transnational Networks (UND restricted) Extensive digital collection of sources documenting issues of gender and class from the late 18th to early 20th century. Includes serials, books, manuscripts, diaries, reports, and images related to social reform movements, culture, literature, the arts, religion, daily life, immigration, and more.

