Romelia Solano and Omar Coronel will be your TAs this semester. They will provide you with all the information you need about discussion sections, on-line discussions, and many other aspects of our course. Please take advantage of the opportunity to meet with them as often as possible.
Romelia and Omar will hold their office hours in the Enclave of the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, ground floor, Nanovic Hall
Here is some information about each of them.
Romelia Solano
Romelia M. Solano is a PhD student in American politics and Comparative politics. Prior to Notre Dame, she earned her B.A. in Political Science and Latina/o Studies from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research interests include racial ethnic politics in the United States and other western industrialized countries, the politics of migration, political and social identities, political behavior, comparative ethnic and religious politics, and subnational democracy.

Romelia in Mexico City
She is especially interested in improving the methodologies used to study minority populations. Her current work focuses on understanding how disparaged groups respond to group threat in different ways and how this is conditioned by contextual factors such as local political culture and changes in the demographic compositions of communities. She is especially interested in how individuals move from passive to more active forms of political engagement. In her spare time Romelia loves playing volleyball and basketball with her friends and colleagues in the political science department, and eating delicious Mexican food when she visits her family back in Kewanee (the former Hog Capital of the World), Illinois.
Office Hours: Wednesdays and Thursdays 1:00 – 2:30 & by appointment
Omar Coronel
I am a Ph.D candidate in Comparative Politics with a regional focus in Latin America. My research interests include social protests, political violence, state capacity, civil society, and the relation between political parties and social movements. For my dissertation, I explore the causes of protest violence in Peru and focus on the role of the protest management bureaucracy built since the transition to democracy in 2000.

At the Place of Memory, Toleration, and Social Inclusion in Peru
Prior to coming to Notre Dame, I received a BA in sociology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (2007) and worked at the same university as a researcher and assistant professor until 2013. Most of the literature, music, and movies I enjoy are related to Latin American politics.
Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 3:00-4:30 & by appointment