Pre-Departure: Do I really know what to expect?

As I get ready to leave the comfort of home in the United States for the next seven months, I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement. My upcoming trip to Italy has been my light at the end of a challenging semester, and now, it’s finally here. But, the closer it gets, the more I realize there’s so much I don’t know.
I’m headed to a city I’ve never seen before, surrounded by people I’ve never met. It’s a big step, and it feels like a leap into the unknown. But I know that soon, these strangers will become friends and colleagues, guiding me through this new experience.
One of my main goals for this internship is to learn more about the worldwide refugee crisis. I want to better understand the mental and emotional toll it takes on people who are forced to leave their homes, journey through unfamiliar places, and adjust to new cultures and lifestyles.
I admit that I’m a bit naive and carry my own biases, as I haven’t experienced these struggles first-hand. But I’m ready to learn, grow, and challenge my perspectives. My biggest hope for this summer is that it will be a real opportunity for growth, shaping my understanding of the world and its complexities.