Blog Post #1: Pre-Departure

Bonjour mes amis! My name is Sean and I am going back to Paris for a fourth time! At this point, I should be a pro, but there is so much to learn and only 6 weeks to do it. I have highlighted in my discussion groups for the CSLC Internship that communication is one of the most important values in my family. Going from America where it is easy to communicate because of my English background to France where, even as a French major, I need to focus on communication. The last time I was there, because of being able to speak the language, I was able to reach the IDC Mindset of acceptance, but this time around, I would love to reach adaptation. I know that Paris has an effect on me but if I can reach the level where I affect Paris, that would be amazing. To reach that comfort level and acceptance in a city that listens to me would be amazing. There are of course goals and barriers to pass. I would love to become more competent in my language comprehension. My steps to reach that is to be more comfortable being uncomfortable. Being able to ask people to repeat themselves so that I can grow in comprehension is not always my favorite thing to do, but I know it will improve my French. Secondly, I want to become more comfortable with the uncontrollable. That is a big statement, but cities are a perfect place to practice. I can often find one negative interaction that I could not control can ruin my day, so by being able to take a deep breath and allowing for the uncontrollable to be ok, I can improve my city living!

As a sendoff for this internship, I would like to remind myself of why I am doing this. Yes, I studied abroad in Paris last summer and grew to understand the city, but this year, I will go beyond the postcard Paris. I am going back to a place with such beloved memories and asking the city for more. That’s a tall task. I have gone to the Eiffel Tower, seen the pretty Paintings, and traversed the catacombs, but yet I am returning to find more of Paris. This is much more of a challenge, but I know to reach the pulp which is beyond just the tourist books will truly invite me into a Paris that is mine. As I help with the study abroad program I did last year, I can reflect on my Paris of then and my Paris of now. I will be attempting to read great American Novels (The Old Man and the Sea, The Sun Also Rises, and Tender is the Night). I am excited to learn of American peripheries in Paris and vice versa. This summer will not be the same as last, and that is something to be so excited about. This internship has allowed me to go above and beyond, and through these blog posts, I am thrilled to have a written reminder of all of my Parisian growth.