First Post

May 23, 2023

This internship abroad is an absolute blessing…. So why do I feel this nervous? 

Upon completing exams and staying for ND’s senior week as a member of ND Folk Choir, I returned home (Pensacola, FL) for a few short days. Less than a week from now, I will fly to Vienna, Austria to work at the Zentrum Johannes Paul II, a Catholic parish and community. My short week at home includes a flurry of unpacking and repacking, appointments and preparation for travel, and cherished time with my family. 

With the months-long process of applying for this wonderful grant, locating and securing a suitable internship, and figuring out logistics, somehow I am counting down the days for an adventure that does not yet seem my own. As if I were a travel agent or administrator to someone else’s plans, I feel somewhat disconnected—the realization has not yet sunk in. As the days in Pensacola pass, my anxiousness transforms into excitement for what is to come. 

Last summer, I had the blessing to intensively study German for 6-7 weeks in Radolfzell, Germany through the CSLC’s SLA Grant. Though very similar, the new aspect of working in a foreign, professional environment presents new challenges and, admittedly, gnaws at some insecurities. Will my professional skills be enough? Will my professional German be sufficient to communicate effectively? How long will it take for my German to „bounce back“ to its near-fluent proficiency from the immersion environment? 

At Zentrum Johannes Paul II, the parish is rapidly growing, and thus the administration and ministry operations function similarly to a start-up: an extremely collaborative environment and multidisciplinary roles, altogether requiring flexibility and fast learning. From what I understand through my communications with the Zentrum, I will be able to contribute in everything from management to music ministry to fundraising for the renovations. This prospect not only excites me but also counteracts the expectations or assumptions I would otherwise rely upon to mentally and logistically prepare. So while radically freeing, the lack of expectations leaves room for some anxiousness to seep in. 

Well, enough pondering for now—it’s time for more packing! 

Alles Gute und bis bald!