#AGCCareerSeries: Careers with Impact virtual session with the IFC

The Africa Graduate Club of the University of Notre Dame is hosting a virtual career session by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group. The IFC is an international financial institution that offers investment, advisory, and asset-management services to encourage private-sector development in less developed countries. To help strengthen the role of the private sector in Africa’s development, the IFC draws on all its core functions: investing, advising, mobilizing capital, and managing assets. The organization made new investments of US$4.7 billion in the year to June 2015, including US$1.2 billion mobilized from other investors. Its advisory services projects support companies and markets in more than 30 countries across the sub-Saharan Africa region.

In this virtual career session, Rudy Perecin Mareño, a Talent Attraction Officer at the IFC, will talk about careers with impact at the IFC and share recruitment advice, drawing on his decade of experience selecting, interviewing, assessing, and hiring over 1,000 individuals for work in over 120 countries. Mareño will be speaking about his latest mission to hire 800 new professionals for the IFC in the next three years. All Notre Dame students and alumni are welcome to attend.

The event will hold on Friday, August 21, 2020, at 4pm EDT.

Kindly click on this link to register for the event.

For general inquiries about the club, kindly contact us at: agc@nd.edu