
Accessioning establishes intellectual and physical custody of materials acquired by a repository; it is the means by which repositories record materials’ content and provenance, as well as date and any conditions of transfer. For the purposes of this manual, “accessioning,” as a process, also encompasses activities which establish the administrative framework required for managing a new collection.

Naming & Identifiers


For new collections, provide a title and identifier.

Assign a unique 3-letter code and  update the  Master Collections List spreadsheet.  If possible, use an acronym or abbreviation of the title or creator’s name. 


Accession records are typically created by the curator responsible for acquiring materials. 

Consult curators regarding the assignment of collection codes and single manuscript shelfmarks, as distinct alpha-numeric schemes have been developed within each collecting area.

Establish Collection Files

For new collections, create a working file for processing documentation within the repository’s Finding Aid Working Files folder. Name the file using the collection’s code. Save processing notes, working copies of collection templates, research, and other documentation related to processing the collection here.

Create a folder file named for the collection within the repository’s Finding Aid Master Files folder at this time, as well. This is where final versions of finding aids and provenance-related documentation will be filed.

Create an Inventory

In the course accessioning materials, you will create description of the material received. This may be a box-level inventory, or a more general textual description of the content. Make note of any inventories supplied by a donor, vendor, or originating office.

In cases where you are working on donated material and preparing a Deed of Gift for the donor to sign, you will incorporate the accession inventory into the Deed of Gift document.

Create an Accession Record

Procedural document found here.

For Donations: Deeds of Gift and Acknowledgement Letters

See link to Deed of Gift and Agreement template.

Make a copy of the template and rename the file with the collection/donor name and date. Complete highlighted portions of the document, and remove highlighting. Copy the accession’s inventory information into the Exhibit A section below “Gift Property Contributed to the University.”

A digital copy of the Deed of Gift goes into the collection’s Finding Aids Master Files folder. Printed copies of the signed/countersigned Deed of Gift should be added to the Head Archivist’s files and to the physical Donor File.

Additionally, prepare gift acknowledgement correspondence.