
Call for Papers:

*NOTE: The submission period for papers is now closed. Please check in again in early Spring 2024 for more opportunities.*

The Notre Dame Journal of Political Science is soliciting papers from Notre Dame undergraduates! If you are proud of a paper from one of your classes or seminars, research projects, or even independent study, please submit it using this link. Excerpts or drafts from in-progress senior theses are also welcome, and you may submit multiple papers if desired. Selected papers will be edited in collaboration with a team of Notre Dame students and published in a scholarly volume by the end of the fall semester. This is a perfect opportunity to add a publication to your resume, and it is exclusive to Notre Dame students. Again, please submit your paper at this link. You may reach out to Timmy Sullivan with any questions:

  • Submission Deadline:  October 2nd @ 11:59 pm.
  • Eligible Authors: Current Notre Dame undergraduates, submitting papers written since matriculating to Notre Dame.
  • Paper Specifications: Page specifications range between 8–30 pages (flexible), excluding references. Page counts are based on the following required formatting: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, and 1″ margins. Chicago-style citations formatted as footnotes with a bibliography will be used, though you may wait to adapt your paper to this citation style once it is selected
  • About: The Journal is an undergraduate academic journal exclusively operated by and for the students in Notre Dame’s Department of Political Science. Published biannually (with Fall and Spring editions), the Journal was formerly called Beyond Politics. Those interested in getting involved with the Journal as staff or other related endeavors should reach out to Timmy Sullivan at