I believe this course has helped me alter my perspective or at least has made it possible for me to see things from another person’s perspective. One example would be the Black Panthers. I had never been taught much about them previously, but I know that I had learned that Malcolm X had a more violent plan for gaining civil rights than Dr.King, so I think this caused me and many others to just assume that the Black Panthers were bad and violent, evil even. It seemed to me that they were trying to undermine Dr.King’s idea of non-violent protest by being violent, and that was not good, so I associated with violence. One of the biggest reasons it seemed they were seen as violent were their guns they carried around. Seeing them walking around with big guns in their hands could understandably cause misconceptions about them and their ideals, but the issue is that no one thought to ask them why they were doing it. As we learned from Huey Newton’s memoir, the guns were basically just for show. They were trying to prove a point, and trying to protect themselves at the same time if a situation occurred and it got really bad, which they had plenty of reasons to believe was possible. It’s interesting to think how the Panthers would have gone down in history, or are really still going down in history as, because people focus on how they look, rather than what they’re saying.
This idea of how people look has been an issue since the very beginning of America, and that is a big problem that we still face today. I will say it myself, and I hope many in America today can make this claim as well, and it’s this- I don’t care what the color of your skin is, I don’t care if you look different from me or even think different from me. If you respect me and my ideas, I’ll respect you and your ideas. We should be able to disagree on issues here in this country without it turning into a screaming match or riots, but that is our rights as Americans to do that as well. We have been given the freedom of speech, and many of us need to speak up and use it otherwise it is going to be taken from us and it will be too late for us to do anything about it.
I have confidence in this country. I took another English course this semester that covered the years from when America was first founded to the Civil War, and there were numerous problems at the beginning of this country, but we survived. We can see from this course that there were many problems from 1968 that are eerily similar to the problems we are facing today, but, again, we survived 1968 and we will survive this year. America and Americans have a resilience that is nothing short of admirable. One of our biggest problems we are facing today is this idea of misconceptions and differing view points, and the problem is not that they are present, but rather that we refuse to acknowledge them. We like to pretend things are alright and cannot bother us if we just ignore them. We can’t ignore the problems in this country because they won’t just go away. They need to be acknowledged and fixed. If we were all just to listen a bit more to each other, these problems could be addressed and fixed, not without a lot of hard work. If we put the work in, this country can be as great as we all know it can be.