Team Nicaragua is very excited to head out to Managua in just under two weeks! We’d like to take this chance to introduce ourselves, and please, feel free to follow us on Twitter while we are in country (individual Twitter handles below).
Name: Jonathan Flatley
Hometown: Elmhurst, Illinois
ND Program: MBA
Previous Experience: one of my former clients was a large U.S. based cooperative
Hobby: Traveling is a passion of mine; this is my first trip to Central America
Why BOTFL? Ability to make a difference
Personal Twitter handle: @flats429
Name: Andrea Caldwell
Hometown: Media, PA
ND Program: MBA
Post-Graduation Plans: DuPont (Wilmington, DE)
Previous Experience: I once participated in a 48-hour dance marathon (no sitting, no sleeping for 48 hours)
Why BOTFL? Think/do/be/ask more.
Name: David Lamb
Hometown: Pacific Palisades, California
ND Program: Law School
Post-Graduation Plans: New York, NY – Chadbourne & Parke.
Fun fact: I am an avid surfer and have surfed all over the world.
Why BOTFL? An amazing opportunity
Personal Twitter handle: @ddlambo
Name: Brendan Kelly
Hometown: Annapolis, MD
ND Program: MBA
Previous Experience: Extensive experience in Frontline problem solving in Iraq
Fun fact / Hobby: Head Coach of the Notre Dame Sailing Team
Why BOTFL? Passion for tackling intransigent problems
Personal Twitter handle: @bkellshc
Name: Maurice Sikenyi
Hometown: Bungoma, Western Kenya
ND Program: Master’s in International Peace Studies
Previous Experience: Capacity Building and Livelihood programs for internally displaced persons
Why BOTFL? Multifaceted approach addressing social concerns
Personal Twitter handle: @mauricesikenyi
Name: Nicole Gorski
Hometown: Chicago, IL
ND Program: MBA
Post-Graduation Plans: Intel Finance; Phoenix, AZ
Fun fact / Hobby: Lived in Alicante, Spain for 6 months
Why BOTFL? Proof good business is possible
Personal Twitter handle: @nicoleg17