Dear College Student: Please Diversify Your Courses

Courses about Latino/as, African-Americans, Native Americans, Asian-Americans and other minorities, have the potential to effect social change. They work as catalysts to break down the barriers that divide us as a society — stereotypes, misconceptions, fear and ignorance.

Source: Dear College Student: Please Diversify Your Courses

An important message for college students from my colleague Marisel.

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How to Help the Students With No Homes? – Students – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Tens of thousands of students qualify as “unaccompanied homeless youth.” The students’ message to colleges: Improve your policies.

Source: How to Help the Students With No Homes? – Students – The Chronicle of Higher Education

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How an App Helps Low-Income Students by Turning College Life Into a Game – Wired Campus – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Source: How an App Helps Low-Income Students by Turning College Life Into a Game – Wired Campus – Blogs – The Chronicle of Higher Education

Good to have attention to this issue.

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Group Rooted in the Desert Looks Out for Migrants – The New York Times

Volunteers patrol the Arizona desert — ready to offer water, food, clothing and medical care — aiming to prevent deaths in a harsh landscape.

Source: Group Rooted in the Desert Looks Out for Migrants – The New York Times

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Why a Global Education Doesn’t Have to Mean Going Abroad – International – The Chronicle of Higher Education

 Domestic “study away” programs, often cheaper and more accessible than a course overseas, can expose students to diverse cultures closer to home.

Source: Why a Global Education Doesn’t Have to Mean Going Abroad – International – The Chronicle of Higher Education

A nuanced discussion of study away vs. study abroad.  Study away can extend opportunities and create complimentary opportunities.

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U.S.A., Land of Limitations?

The biggest factor for success isn’t hard work but how our lives started.

Source: U.S.A., Land of Limitations?

A touching follow-up to an earlier story, less often told but more common, about someone who is never able to pull himself up and out of poverty.

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Want to Fight Anti-Latino/a Prejudice?: 5 Reasons to Bring the Community into the Classroom | Marisel Moreno

One of the most powerful ways to combat racist and negative stereotypes about U.S. Latinas and Latinos, or any group for that matter, is to be armed with actual facts and data, and to use that information to engage others in learning about and interacting with that particular community.

Source: Want to Fight Anti-Latino/a Prejudice?: 5 Reasons to Bring the Community into the Classroom | Marisel Moreno


My colleague Marisel writes a powerful essay on community-based teaching!


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VIDEO – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

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Source: VIDEO – Fox 28: South Bend, Elkhart IN News, Weather, Sports

Great story on local migrant farmworkers.

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Poverty and the Metaphor of the Turtle | Tobias Roberts

We live in a society that is afraid of and actively punishes slowness. The features of a life lived slowly and close to land and to community, might seem to many to be backwards and archaic, but it is high time that we begin to doubt and question the assumption that it is unsustainable and inherently poverty-stricken as well.

Source: Poverty and the Metaphor of the Turtle | Tobias Roberts

Fascinating metaphor for poverty.

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This Video Will Change The Way You Look At Privilege

What is privilege? Is there any way to describe it? In a recent video posted by Buzzfeed, several people are asked a series of questions and then told to either step forward or backward if the ques

Source: This Video Will Change The Way You Look At Privilege

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