
Supporting International Biodiversity and Forest Policy

Dr. Miller chaired the Global Expert Panel on Forests and Poverty for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). In this role, he led a Global Assessment of Forests, Trees, and Poverty launched in the fall of 2020. He has also been a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.  He has provided a review of current knowledge on the scope and impacts of international aid for biodiversity conservation for Chapter 6, “Governance and Stakeholders in Biodiversity Policy.” Dr. Miller has also co-authored two commissioned background papers for the UN Secretary General’s report to the tenth session of the UN Forum on Forests on the economic contributions of forests (2013) and has also helped track progress toward the 2020 targets of the Convention on Biological Diversity, including contributing to reports on indicators relating to biodiversity finance such as the 2012 “Aichi Passport of the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership” published by UNEP-WCMC.

Building a Community of Conservation Social Science Professionals

The Society for Conservation Biology’s Social Science Working Group (SSWG) is a global community of conservation professionals dedicated to strengthening conservation social science and its application to conservation practice. Dr. Miller has been active in the SSWG since its founding in 2003 and served on the SSWG Board from 2007-2017, including as Vice-President and acting President. Through his work with the SSWG, Dr. Miller seeks to build a diverse community of practitioners, policymakers, and researchers united by a common interest in advancing understanding of the social dimensions of conservation.

Exploring Conservation and Development Dilemmas in Africa through Film

The award-winning film Milking the Rhino is the first major documentary to explore wildlife conservation from the perspective of people who live with wild animals. It compares community-based conservation efforts in two African countries, Kenya and Namibia.  Dr. Miller advised on the making of the film and co-authored a companion educational guide.

Miller, D.C., B. Mshale, and B. Zengotitabengoa. 2009. Educational Guide for the documentary film Milking the Rhino. Bullfrog Films/Kartemquin Films: Chicago, IL.

Advancing Sustainable Farming Systems in Illinois and Beyond

Dr. Miller seeks to tie his international research and engagement on agroforestry and sustainable agriculture together with work locally.  He previously served as a Member of the Board of the Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture Program (ASAP) at the University of Illinois.  In Africa, he has produced policy-relevant materials that synthesize findings relating to the prevalance and socio-economic contribution of trees on farms through the Agriculture in Africa: Telling Facts from Myths project supported by the World Bank.