
Daniel C. Miller
Principal Investigator

Daniel C. Miller is Associate Professor of Environmental Policy at the University of Notre Dame Keough School of Global Affairs. Dr. Miller’s research and teaching focus on international environmental politics and policy.  He is especially interested in understanding the socio-economic and ecological impacts of conservation funding in developing countries over the long-term and the political factors that shape those impacts. Dr. Miller has carried out fieldwork in more than ten countries around the world, focusing especially on national parks and other protected areas…continue reading

Aemro Ayalew
MGA student
(Research Assistant)

Charissa Bosma
PhD student
(Wageningen University; co-advised)

Katia Nakamura
FLARE Associate Program Director

Beverly Ndifoin
MGA student
(Research Assistant)
Abiodun Oyelere
MGA student
(Research Assistant)
Sacha Ortiz Siani
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Pulte Institute for Global Development
Brian Wanbaugh
FLARE Program Manager

Former Graduate Students and Postdocs

Roberta Afonso, Ph.D. (Central Bank of Brazil)

Festus Amadu, Ph.D. & Postdoc (Assistant Professor, Florida Gulf Coast University)

Khadijat Atere, MGA, research assistant

Sarah (Brown) Castle, MS & Ph.D. Student (Postdoc, Yale University)

Dikshya Devkota, MS (Global Environment Facility)

Mohammed Farrae, MGA, research assistant

Valena McEwen, MGA, research and teaching assistant

Katia Nakamura, MS, Ph.D. & Postdoc (FLARE Network, University of Notre Dame)

Hira Noor, MGA, research assistant

Sonia Padonou, MS (Champaign Public Schools)

Francis Paulino, MS (Catholic Relief Services)

Pushpendra Rana, Postdoc (Conservation International)

Jennifer Zavaleta Cheek, Postdoc (Assistant Professor, South Dakota State University)

Undergraduate Students

At University of Notre Dame

Erica Dowd, Kellogg International Scholar’s research
Evie Garces-Foley, Kellogg International Scholar’s research
Mathilda Noone, Undergraduate honor’s research
Anna Rutherford, Undergraduate capstone research (MS, Statistics, University of
Washington, Seattle)
Elizabeth Stifel, Kellogg Developing Researchers Program & Undergraduate honor’s
research (Princeton in Asia)

At University of Illinois

Anneli Cers, Ignite undergraduate research program honor’s research, (Lewis & Clark
Law School)
Shiyuan Dong, Undergraduate research (MEM, Duke University)
Carly Hopkins, Undergraduate honor’s research (JD/MEM, Pace/Yale University)
Dana Johnson, Undergraduate honor’s research (Master’s in NRES, University of
Rebecca Laurent, Undergraduate honor’s research, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin)
Nikolas Merten, Undergraduate honor’s research MPP, Ohio State University)
Will Smithson, Undergraduate honor’s research, (MA, Maxwell School, Syracuse
Krti Tallam, Undergraduate research (Fulbright, India and University of Oxford Ph.D.
Kealie Vogel, ACES undergraduate research program & honor’s research (Master’s in
NRES, University of Illinois)
Jordan Williams, Undergraduate honor’s research (Environmental Leadership
Yuezhou Yang (Ph.D., London School of Economics and Political Science)

Adam Yusen, Undergraduate research (UCLA Law School)
Ziwei Zhang, ACES undergraduate research program & honor’s research, (Master’s in
International Affairs, Columbia University)