Pressuring Yourself

Recently, I’ve been putting a lot of pressure on myself to be a certain way. I’ve been pushing myself to do certain things and have certain mindsets and it’s just feeling impossible. I’ve even been pressuring myself to post on here and haven’t been able to think of any ideas. I’ve been asking all of my friends and family for inspiration only to realize the most obvious thing I should be writing about – why I haven’t felt inspired to post lately and why I’ve been feeling so much pressure from myself to post, along with doing other things. In all honesty, I have been feeling pretty off this past week. I just keep having a series of bad days. I don’t know exactly what triggered it or if there even is a reason, but I have been feeling a little more out of sorts and anxious. I think it’s a combination of adjusting back to the college routine, the cold gross weather, and a couple of seemingly stressful things that have happened in my own life.

Once I recognized this, I knew how important it was to write about it. We ALL have off days, off weeks, even off months at times! I confided in a couple of friends about how I was feeling and they could most definitely relate. This is an unfortunate feeling that everyone encounters at times and it really sucks. Although time is usually just the best way to heal this feeling, I have been trying to engage in some of my more comforting activities like talking to my parents or watching one of my favorites movies/tv shows (HSM & Gossip Girl of course). Most importantly, I have been treating myself with compassion and making sure to take the pressure off! I keep reminding myself that nothing I want to accomplish for myself, my actions, and mindset are going to occur if I am overly stressed just thinking about them. This gets difficult to keep in mind when you feel like the world is against you, but it’s an important reminder when you’re feeling particularly overwhelmed. It may not look it outside (especially if you’re in the midwest right now) but our world and life are so beautiful! Even when life feels so incredibly trying, we owe it to ourselves to give our best effort, take a beat to relax, and celebrate the good <3