Submission Guidelines

You are invited to submit your work to the inaugural publication of the Notre Dame Historical Review! The Review is an undergraduate history journal dedicated to publishing exceptional papers written by students.

Submissions must be academic and focus on historical themes. This does not necessarily mean papers must have been written for a history course. We prefer papers that utilize primary source documents.

Submission requirements include:

-10 to 35 pages in length (double-spaced)
-Times New Roman, 12-point font
-Chicago style citations
-Microsoft Word file
-Cannot have been published previously
-Must abide by the Notre Dame Academic Code of Honor

College undergraduates (or students who have graduated within the past year) from any institution are invited to submit material for consideration. We would love to see your submission in our inbox. Please submit only one paper per publication cycle.

All submissions and inquiries should be sent to Please include your full name in the email header and refrain from including your name on the paper itself. If a student’s paper is accepted, the Review will work with that student and publish his or her work exclusively in the journal. For this reason, please do not submit the same paper to other journals in addition to the Notre Dame Historical Review.

Do not hesitate to contact us. For the 2024-2025 academic year, we have a rolling deadline of February 5, 2025 at 11:59 p.m., so apply as soon as you feel ready, because earlier submissions will receive priority consideration.