Clay High School Immersion Activity

Date of Observation: 2/28/2017

Location: Clay High School

Type: Immersion Experience

Event: Multicultural Celebration Assembly

Event Description: This was a teacher talent show that included numerous songs and poems. Many students also took part in the performances.

Attached I have two pictures from the intro of the show, followed by a number of videos of the performances during the show.


Questionable Attendance- I tried to count the attendance at this event and estimated around 75-85 people were in the auditorium for this event. Compared to the size of the auditorium and the size of the school, this was not the best turnout for Clay. Principal Eid mentioned concerns about overloading the bus system, so that may have played a role in lower than normal attendance.

Talented Teachers- As you can see from watching some of the videos I have attached of teacher performances, there is a ton of talent from the teaching staff at Clay. When you are advertised as the Performing Arts magnet being able to show that your teachers have lots of skill you are able to convince prospective parents and students much more easily. You could tell that the parents and students in attendance were proud of the talent level shown off by the teachers.

Community- Without having a larger attendance, it’s hard to tell what the whole school atmosphere is generally like, but from the group in attendance you could really feel a strong sense of community at Clay. From Principal Eid performing with the drumline, to students going wild when their fellow student was singing on stage, this community encouraged one another to be the best they could be. Students of various ethnicities filled the seats of the auditorium and were one as a student body.