Clay High School Immersion (DC)


Date of Observation: 2/28/2017

Location: Clay High School

Type: Immersion Experience

Event: Multicultural Celebration Assembly (Students and Parents)

Event Description: This assembly was put on by teachers and students, and it was a celebration of diversity at the end of Black History Month. There were different sketches, poems, songs, and performances throughout the assembly.


Strength of Diversity

This assembly was entirely dedicated to the celebration of diversity at Clay High School, and the importance of speaking out against intolerance. It is clear that Clay has a diverse population of students, and they are making an intentional effort to celebrate the different backgrounds of Clay students. As Principal Eid has acknowledged, Clay must celebrate their diverse student body, in order to encourage kids from all different backgrounds to attend.

Role of Teachers

Most of the performances were done by Clay teachers, and the excitement and applause for them showed the students’ appreciation for their teachers’ participation. Since teachers have some of the most direct contact with students, it is crucial that they find ways to connect with and encourage their kids. This assembly was one way of doing that, and it seemed to be a great success.

Parent Involvement

Parents were also invited to come to the assembly, and watch alongside their students. This reinforces the importance that parents have in their High School Students’ experience, as they have the capacity to support and bring their child to events around the school.

Low Student Participation

Although the assembly was well-run and encouraging, the gym was mostly empty. Speaking to Principal Eid, he commented that kids sometimes have a hard time coming to events like these, due to transportation challenges. This makes me wonder if there are other events around school that might have a better turnout if Clay offered more busses and transportation solutions.