Ed User + Interactive Interview: Colleen Turner

Profile of participant:

Name: Ed King

Age: 61

Time spent homeless: 8 years

Time in weather amnesty program: 3 years

Employment status: Unemployed

Blind in left eye, needs surgery to correct

Previously Vietnam veteran & in uniform business

Date of Observation: March 2, 2017

Location: Kraz Weather Amnesty Building

Type of Observation: User + Interactive Interview


  1. Mental health & health led to homelessness

Ed went through a devastating divorce and had to quit his job to enter inpatient psychiatric services. He struggled to re-enter the job market afterwards. He cannot see out of his left eye and has difficulty walking, which makes it difficult for him to find work. He needs surgery on his left eye, but does not currently have insurance that will cover it.

2. Gave up looking for work

Ed is blind in one eye and has difficulty walking. This has deterred him from job-searching, and instead he spends his time drinking on the corner.

3. Desire for Independence

Ed went through the Center for the Homeless programming, but does not want to return because he felt they interfered with his personal life too much.

4. Isolation from family

Ed’s journey into homelessness was catalyzed by a devastating divorce. His wife left him, taking the kids, home, and money. She completely shut him out of their lives, so Ed has no family in his life right now. Missing his children left him depressed and with few people to turn to.

Memorable Quotes:

“I wish I could put family at the top, but they’re not in the picture anymore.”

“The only thing I had was my dog and my house, but she ended up taking that too.”

“I’m 62 years old. I just gotta stick it out for 2 more years until I retire.”

“Good days are all the same. I have a couple beers a day. I never drank before, but now I’m drinking a lot more than I used to cause that’s what keeps it coherent. I don’t even know what would make a bad day anymore. They’re all bad.“