Ethnographic Research — Individual Interview #1

Type: Individual Skype Interview

Subject: Sandra McCarry

Card Sort:


1. Land-line

2. iPad

3. Fitbit

4. Facebook

5. Alexa

6. iPhone (not applicable.)

Health Stats:

1. Daily activity/ steps

2. Vitals

3. Bed rest

4. Meds

5. Meals

What would you like to do for your health in the future?

“I want to live with or near family so we can make decisions together.”

Older people aren’t as valued. Health care professionals are condescending to older people. They tend to dictate rather than work together with their older patients.

“I want to be in a place where I can be active.”

Generations not living together – I think that’s a problem.

How much do you track your health?

“More than I used to, because you know there’s technology. Even with your phone.”

Track average heart rate and sleeping patterns with the Fitbit.

“If you make something enjoyable, it’s more fun to track.”

And seeing patterns in what you track helps with motivation as well.

How much do you keep up with your mom and mother-in-law’s health?

They are the ones who really decide that.

“She won’t share everything. She takes pride in having been independent for so long, she doesn’t want to appear weak.”

How much do your parents want to share with you?

Sharing health info automatically: I would love that, but not sure about my mom and Joyce (mother-in-law)

“Joyce (mother-in-law) likes to communicate, likes following her health. But my mom doesn’t want to know about her health because it will ‘stress her out.’”

My mom would do it if she was completely unaware of it happening.



