Ethnographic Summary- Individual Interview at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center II

Ethnographic Summary- St. Joseph Regional Medical Center

Dan Thompson interviewed Becky and John, a husband and wife at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center (SJRMC).  They were waiting for their grandson who was also accompanied by his family, but I only spoke with Becky and John.


Date: 3/6/17

Type: Interview

Location: St. Joseph Regional Medical Center

Team participants: Conducted interview alone


User characteristics:

  • 60 years old (Becky), 65 years old (John)
  • They have three daughters and 4 grandchildren
  • Becky used a wheelchair


Memorable quotes/moments:

  • Apprehensive of using public transportation.  When asked about how they felt about using bus, Becky mentioned she had not used one since high school.
  • Were completely unaware of Uber or Lyft.
  • There drive was about 12 miles which took them 20-30 minutes.

Top learnings:

  • Elderly people are more likely to resist using technologies such as Uber or Lyft.
  • Public transportation is not for everyone for a variety of reasons.  One specific reason may be that some people associated a negative stimulus with public transportation

Key Insights: (1) Depending on the person’s experience, they acquire information in different ways.  (2) Much time should be given to how an organization advertises transportation services.