Analogous Immersion

Did analogous immersion in Pre-K Classroom to see how 4 year olds routine’s/needs fit in with those of retired population.

Date: 3/3/17

Type: Analogous Immersion

Location: Early Childhood Development Center @ Notre Dame

Team Participants: Conducted alone

User Characteristics: “Pre-Kindergarten Students”

Boys & Girls

Ages 4-5


What is this person’s biggest point of pain? There is a balance that the student’s must deal with: learning to be independent, but conforming to societal norms.

“Teachers are trained in Rudolf Dreikurs’ non-authoritarian approach to child guidance based on the work of Alfred Adler, which is a positive approach focusing on choices, encouragement, and natural and logical consequences. Class meetings and the democratic problem solving process are also key to the approach. Teachers teach and model the 4 R’s (respect, responsibility, resourcefulness, and responsiveness). Teachers problem-solve with children during the child guidance process supporting the children’s involvement in making helpful and friendly choices with their behavior. Sessions are provided to interested families about the ECDC approach embracing topics such as sibling rivalry, bedtime routines, mealtime routines, and supporting very active children.”

 Top 3 Learnings:

  1. Attention span of 4 year olds is about that of a person with Dementia.
    1. Students need to have nap time or crash otherwise they will be fussy & even yell.
  2. Children at this age do not have full command over their bodies yet
    1. Children at this age still need assistance in the bathroom
  3. Children are learning what norms are at this point & do not yet know how to interact

Key Insight – (1) Using practices that work to keep the attention of 4 Year Olds could prove potent for later stage retirees. (2) Utilizing child monitoring practices could help retirees have more attention when they need it. For example the teacher individually assisted each student as they went to the bathroom.


  • Lunch time
    • Seconds
    • Dessert
  • Clean Up
  • Bathroom
  • Playtime
    • Built with blocks
    • Bean Bag Toss
    • Scooters
    • Climbing
  • Put stuff away in lockers
  • Story Time
  • Class Trivia
  • Nap Time


  • Notre Dame
  • Early in the day: 12 Noon
  • 20 Students
  • Class Room Setting
    • Small Tables
    • Mini-Chairs
    • Sitting area
    • Bookshelf
    • Class Pet
  • School Environment
    • Admin Desk
    • Many classrooms
    • Lockers
    • Teacher’s Lounge


  • Interacted during meal time with student’s
    • Watched them eat
  • Observed use of language
  • Watched clean up
  • Facilitated play time
  • Helped layout cots for sleeping


  • Wearing Velcro shows
  • Play Materials
  • Cots with their names on them


  • Teacher
  • 4 Year Old Students
  • In-Class Helper (Student Volunteer)
  • Front-Desk Admin Staff