Ethnography – Individual Interview

Ethnography Summary

Mark interviewed Bob Freund, a resident at Morningside Memory Center, to learn about his life at Morningside and how he spends his free time. Bob is not very active and suffers from dementia.

(Roger asked us not to take pictures of any of the residents or around the facilities.)


Date: 3/6/17

Type: Interview

Location: Morningside Memory Care Center

Team participants: Mark Egan

User: Bob Freund

User Characteristics:

Male, Age 67

Previous Occupation: Heavy Machinery Worker (25 years)

From: South Bend, IN


What is this person about – what drives him/her?  

Bob hangs onto memories of his past passions. He speaks fondly about his days fishing on his

charter boat in Lake Michigan and playing baseball when he was younger.


Memorable quote from interview: “We just watch TV, don’t do much of the others.” (in response to card       sort question)


Key Insight – Many people with dementia maintain certain habits from earlier in life and it is therapeutic for them to repeat these habits.



  • Television
  • Spending time with friends
  • Relaxing
  • Other activities provided by Morningside
  • Cooking (spaghetti and scallions)
  • Gardening
  • Fishing
  • Going outside



  • Morningside facilities
  • Kitchen
  • Garden



  • Interacts with nurses
  • Interacts with other residents
  • Cooks



  • Kitchenware
  • Television
  • Board games



  • Family
  • Friends at Morningside
  • Nurses and staff at Morningside