Ethnography Summary: Lower Extreme Interview

Interviewed, Father, Mark Pulido who is in the lower extreme of the retired age population.

Date: 3/5/17

Type: Interview

Location: Phone Call

Team Participants: Conducted interview alone

User Characteristics: “Active Member of Retired Age Populations”

  • Male: Age 65
  • Full-Time CEO
  • Married 30+ Years
  • 1 Child: Father of Chas Pulido

What is this person about – what drives him? Mark is driven by doing. He gets a strong sense of being from helping his close family & others accomplish their goals. At 65 he enjoys mental stimulation that work brings him. Having day to day challenges gives him optimism & keeps him young as he says.

What is this person’s biggest point of pain?  Mark needs to be stimulated by work or something interesting. He does not like feeling idle.

Memorable Quote from Interview: “You need your mind to be sharp in-order to keep your body sharp”

Top 3 Learnings:

  1. Mark has a of sources of responsibility & avenues in which he derives meaning.
  2. Mark has made very few changes in routine & diet between ages 40 & 65. He has not had any changes in health.
    1. Only thing Mark has done differently is be more grounded. He has focuses on sticking to decisions/discipline
  3. Mark visits the doctor only once every 3 years or so and despite this is in a great health condition

Key Insight – (1) When asked how he would change his routine over the next ten years he said “I don’t think I would, I really enjoy it!” “It’s pushing me forward everyday” (2) Having a lot of reasons to live, in other words, responsibilities & close family help keep person in check & accountable.



  • Daily Habits
    • Self awareness: Pacing
    • Good sleep routine
    • Healthier eating
    • Walking
      • 1 hour of walking (4miles) 5 days of week
    • Stretching
      • Stiff joints sitting for too long
    • Get up every morning at 5:45 or 6am
      • 1 hour after getting up solitude & reflection


  • Minneapolis, MN


  • Mark Pulido

Extra Notes

  • Family Life
    • Being with people that you love & enjoy, gives you inner strength
    • Gives you perspective, lets you think of what’s possible
    • Having close family/loved ones makes me want to carry on
  • Work Life
    • Constant stimulation is needed for your mind to learn & grow
    • You need your mind to be sharp in order to keep your body sharp
    • Pursing activities helps this
    • Optimism of having challenges
  • Goals
    • Be healthy & active
    • Answer lies within
      • Money, success, etc. is not a metric
    • Wants to travel internationally
    • Enjoys working as a CEO
    • Wants family to achieve their goals
    • Being apart of others dreams