Ethnographic Interview Summary-Patient in Lobby (Kate)

Helen Sung, accompanied by Cole Gillan, conducted an individual interview with patient Kate at about the transportation challenges she faces everyday.

Date: 3/3/17

Type: Individual Interview

Location: Mishawaka Medical Center; sofa in the main lobby

Team participants: Helen Sung, accompanied by Cole Gillan

User Characteristics: “Pregnant Patient”

  • Mother of three children with boyfriend
  • 9-months pregnant
  • Homemaker
  • Does not own personal vehicle


  • I face transportation challenges everyday. I usually walk, which is more difficult carrying 3 kids and I’m 9-months pregnant.”
  • Got to my appointment today using Medicaid. I just have to call 48 hours in advance to schedule a ride and they come pick me up at my home when I’m ready. The longest I’ve ever waited for the service to take back home is an hour.”
  • “I’ve missed a lot of my one year old’s appointments because I couldn’t get a ride so he’s behind on his shots. He’s 14-months, but he should have gotten his shot at 12-months old.”
  • “My boyfriend doesn’t have a car either. His friend gives him a ride to work. My mom borrows her sister’s car if I need to go somewhere.”
  • “I don’t have a credit card for Uber. And I just never tried the bus.”
  • “Spend about $100-200 on a monthly average paying people for gas.”
  • “Haven’t really tried to do much if I couldn’t find a ride. We’re from a bad neighborhood that I don’t even like to walk unless someone is with me.”


  • Opportunity for less missed appointments through knowledge of South Bend’s Transpo bus routes and eligibility for Medicaid’s transportation services.
  • Rides need to be scheduled in advance because patients ask car-owners within their social sphere for rides. Schedule conflicts are bound to arise.
  • Ride sharing services and taxis may be out of budget for many living as low-income
  • There are opportunities to spread awareness of the transportation services Medicaid offers



  • Had oldest child (19 years old) stay at home to watch over younger kids
  • Rode in car using Medicaid transportation service
  • Was waiting in the lobby for almost forty minutes waiting for Medicaid ride back home
  • Sitting quietly by herself on coach in the waiting area of the main lobby


  • Main lobby of Mishawaka Medical Center near entrance
  • Later in the evening reaching to around 5:00PM on a Friday afternoon
  • Fairly empty lobby with sparse patients and staff working at the nearby Starbucks or other boutique gift shop
  • Several waiting areas with varying chairs, sofas, and tables. Interview conducted in two armchairs facing each other
  • Ride came in drop-off/ pick-up zone in front of main doors


  • Approached Kate as she was quietly sitting alone in lobby
  • Brief greeting exchanges with others in lobby; pleasant and polite staff


  • Kate’s medium-sized bag was held in her lap


  • Other patients and staff in the lobby and shops/ café