Interactive Immersion (Journey Mapping)

Date: 3/6/17

Location: SJHS Mishawaka Medical Center

Participants: Helen Sung

As Alex mentioned in her previous blog post, I visited the Medical Center and asked patients in the open to mark a red X on the problematic stages of getting from home to a medical appointment on time.

2 had said journey map didn’t apply to them, as they did not experience transportation issues. 1 woman said it was difficult to make it to appointments on time because she has to take her 2 young children with her. 2 said arranging transportation was difficult.

Possible bias: I asked patients who were out in the open in the lobby and café areas. More of these people may be waiting for a ride rather than have their own because a person who drove would be less likely to be just waiting in the lobby looking out at the parking lot.

I noticed that those who find transportation an issue have not chosen to explore public transportation, especially the Transpo bus running throughout South Bend. Near the elevators behind the lobby, there is a single Transpo bus stand giving directions to the Medical Center. Maybe if it was more noticeably placed towards the front desk, receptionists and nurses will remember and be more likely to inform their patients of the options they have.