The Gallery Day was very insightful because we were able to present all of our research to Michelle and then receive valuable feedback in moving forward with our project. We walked Michelle through the different aspects of our collected research starting with our Journey Map and finishing our Analogous Immersions. Michelle seemed to think that we were on the right track to solving the transportation problem and she was impressed to see that we collected research from so many outlooks.

Collectively, our team had three main walkaway points from our research pertaining to finding a solution:

  1. Sustainable budgeting/ funding is needed
  2. Awareness must be spread about current solutions because a lot of people are unaware of the current solutions
  3. Organization must become more efficient and connected between different medical offices


It was very helpful having Michelle come to the Gallery because she was able to create links and provide ideas within our research. Moving forward, we will use all of our collective research to come up with a sustainable solution to the huge transportation problem that exists in South Bend.

Below is photo of the team presenting their research.
