Gallery Day Reflection

The gallery day was a great opportunity for our team to touch base with the representatives from BGC. We had very good back and forth discussion and received helpful feedback from them. We concluded that going forward we will focus on awareness of the club and fundraising. We believe these two things will get more teens into the program at BGC. Moving forward, our team has a three fold approach. First, we will create an infomercial using media resources at Notre Dame. We received permission from Camille to interview and video record students for the commercial. It will be shared on social media by the kids and the club. In addition, we will send it to various schools. Second, we are going to work closely with Adams high school and create a survey for the students. This will ask them: “If you had transportation, would you go to BGC?” Our hope is that many will say “yes”.  We can then send the responses along to the South Bend bus company and prove to them that it is important to have transportation to BGC because kids want to go. Lastly, our team wants to put together a fundraising event. This could be a sand volleyball or corn hole tournament and the money would go to providing transportation to BGC. This way, the club can have money to get buses not only for day to day trips, but also field trips. Over break, I was able to connect with the YMCA for benchmarking, but our team still needs to hear from our contact at Kings Club. In addition, I have reached out to Patty who worked with BGC. Hopefully, she will have some ideas to offer our team regarding fundraising.