Gallery Day Reflection

My team met with Michelle Peters  (the Community Benefit Ministry Officer and Director Community Health and Well-being for Saint Joseph Health System) on Gallery Day. We walked her through the progress that we have made so far with our SJHS project by outlining my team’s research, interviews, immersions, and other enthnographies.  Michelle has greatly aided us in our SJHS project to help patients receive better transportation to their respective doctors appointments. We discussed the current problem with patient transport and potential ways to fix it.  Proper funding, organization, and patient compliance were three main factors involved in our project that Michelle and our team spent time discussing.

Main Takeaways:

  • Issues with transportation is costing the Saint Joseph Medical Center a lot of inconveniences and financial losses.
  • There are certain services that are currently help alleviate this issue of patient transportation but funding can be unorganized and the duplication of resources can be a problem.
  • Michelle believes that the solution to this issue will need to involve a partnership between SJHS and  another transportation company or agency.
  • Our team will look to interview some more patients and case managers to gain a better insight into the issue from a patient’s perspective.