Gallery Day Comments

Gallery Day Feedback

Initial Thoughts:

Mansour Eid and the teacher who joined him were immensely helpful in their feedback and comments. It was such a pleasure to actually talk to them about our subject; I found that our take-away’s and theirs seemed to align a lot. I do wish that they had given more feedback via the sticky notes, or emailed us their thoughts after gallery day.

It did feel really incredible to have compiled all of that information, and I think our team is excited to move forward and come to more definite conclusions.

The most difficult part of the whole project seems to be where to go from here. Our team has a lot of interesting data, but it is unclear in which direction is the best for us to go to accomplish the intended goals.

What we learned//need to learn in the future:

  • Walking through our journey map, we realized which sections of the journey map were more important to our project (Entice and Engage).
  • We also talked a lot about the necessary target markets to address in our final solution. Parents? Students? What age for the students? What age for the parents? What demographics of parents and students should we look at?
  • I feel like M. Eid could have given us more feedback on what he was looking for or what he wanted, so finding out what it is that he really wants.
  • Furthering our research on what the proper demographics to reach out to might be.
  • Ranking and assessing what factors are most important in the school choice for parents, students, etc.
  • Update our design brief.
  • Build out our archetype map — this is complex for us as we want to focus both on parents and students.
    • This might mean creation of more than one archetype map.
  • Figuring out WHO our main focus and user should be.
  • Assessing all of the BLUE sticky notes that I added

Patterns that Began to Emerge:

  • Socioeconomic differences
    • Low income parents care about different things than
  • Age differences
    • Time when
  • Preference for the magnet
  • Lack of academic advertising
  • Desire for a more attractive learning environment (school aesthetics)
  • Misconceptions about Clay’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Preference for Adams due to academic strength and college placement