Observed or Experienced Innovation Opportunities

After the Tuesday snowstorm in New York, the city streets were cleared for the cars. All of that snow ended up in little hills on the edges of the sidewalk making it really hard for pedestrians to cross the street. At each crosswalk, little tiny pathways would form and everyone would cross single file in this little path to get to the other side of the street.

Instead of using the doorstop to actually keep the door open, my friend and her roommates at Princeton kept the doorstop in the corner of the door frame just to keep the door from automatically locking.

I wasn’t able to get a picture of the actual innovation opportunity. But while I was at the bakery buying this black and white cookie, the janitor was mopping the floor. The woman behind the counter put a paper towel under each foot to scoot over to where the cookies were stored before returning to the register.
