Analogous Immersion Response to Matt’s Post

(Picture on bottom left)

The analogous immersion exercise was a powerful experience that helped us to see the homelessness problem from the opposite perspective. It is important to note that although solutions that we suggest may be helpful, they may not be feasible from a cost perspective– and the simulation showed us just that. It is incredibly difficult to allocate resources to different programs and shelters that the city may provide. Even if they are all helping in some way or another, it is difficult for the city to fund all initiatives.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are situations that arise out of the city’s control that may force them to allocate resources in one way or another.
  • Moving people to permanent housing is a very difficult process.
  • It is important to see the homelessness issue from both sides of the spectrum (people receiving the money vs. people allocating the money).