Leaah Hopper, Expert Interview

Ethnography Summary

Stephen Muldoon interviewed Leaah Hopper of AIDS Ministries

Date: 3/3/17

Type: Interview

Location: Library

Team participants: Conducted interview in group


User Characteristics: “Passionate Worker”

Executive Program Leader for AIDS Leader


Female, 30-40’s

Full-time employee and social worker for AIDS stricken Individual

Driven to support under served demographics affected by certain situations

What is this person’s biggest point of pain? Dealing with difficulties and shortcomings of individuals that do not stay on right track of help provided by organization. Dealing with heartbreaking outcomes for people affected by the disease.

Memorable quote from interview: “In some Counties, when incarcerated, they [Convicts] have a job- they have a purpose. When they get out, they are looked at with different eyes and made to believe they have no purpose “


Top 3 Leanings:

  1. Over eleven thousand people affected in South Bend by HIV. 78% of those live under the poverty line. The AIDS Ministry serves 416 of them. Over 40% still using drugs.
  2. Sex offenders really being affected as they can only really live in outskirts of society; future of the individuals affected by criminal past really dependent on crime
  3. AIDS Ministry provides housing to anyone with HIV that needs it; permanent solutions for individuals and families- also provide medicines.


Key Insight – (1) South Bend really underserved relatively to large HIV inflicted population (2) No real benefit from leaving jail as getting a job and a sustainable living space is almost impossible; also no help with medical coverage for disease past prison. (3) State of Indiana does not help or have any programs aimed at helping drug affected individuals; no real support system that is superior with resources.


  • Manages AIDS Ministries as a senior leader
  • Helps AIDS stricken individuals with housing, medication, and rehab support
  • Leads AA type meetings to provide support systems for those afflicted
  • Works with Government to create initiatives for affected individuals and to help them with medication and preventing future abusive
  • Provides families with permanent housing
  • Provides temporary housing for anyone with any type of background (with AIDS) and helps in seeking profession and full time housing



  • AIDS Ministries organization
  • Environment inclusive of people with AIDS disease
  • People, usually ex-convicts, make up large portion of members
  • Other senior leaders and administrative assistants involved



  • Talking with and helping members seeking to better themselves
  • Work personably with people on what the necessary steps are to improve life
  • Noted how passionate she spoke to us about the difficulties of these individuals and how there has to be more done to help them



  • Office desk, sitting on a chair
  • Writing on notepad with pen
  • Had small child at her side



  • Leaah Hopper
  • Me and the team
  • Members of the organization