Prototype Summary

Nice work outlining the prototypes your team will be taking forward.  I encourage you to get a bit more creative with exploring the sharing economy concept around Uber.  The article you linked to noted a much higher compliance rate for attending appointments for those with vehicles than those without.  Could the population of SJHS create their own Uber of ride sharing?  These patients are in poverty, so could they generate additional income?  Or perhaps they just car pool and their is a discount or incentive by SJHS if they do car pool?  Or could you create a ND volunteer pool, or even minimum wage job, where students sign up and drive patients…

To get feedback on the different ideas, I think you can create some visuals that represent the different options and how the patient would interface with them and have a discussion about what they would have concerns about with each option.

*Just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!