Prototype Summary

Take your concepting down a level.  What are the specific user needs each idea is addressing?  How can you break down the concepts to engage with the user’s around what works and invite them to create new ideas.  Keep in mind the 5E’s so that you can understand best ways to Entice the user, Engage, etc.

For the Evaluation matrix, you will want to break out the aspects of each prototype to score the value.  For example with the counseling network, is it better to have the counseling offered in a group or one-on-one?  Should the setting be at the Center for the Homeless or other locations?  If you can score each aspect of the solutions as each team members takes the prototypes out for feedback, you will be able to collectively determine which aspects of each idea are strongest and explore ways to build on those.

*Just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, remember for each idea how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!