Ethnography Comments

Many great insights captured here team!  Some of the key takeaways for me include:

  • The role that parents play in the decision of where to go to school – even indirectly as kids strive for that approval
  • The importance of “getting it right” – by whose standards?
  • Great images of lunch hour at Clay.  It made me anxious just looking at them.  There was a recurring them of the school being uninspiring and restrictive.
  • Every school has a stereotype.  How long do these last?  What is the average length of time a school “on top” before another one becomes the top choice?
  • The correlation between parent engagement and student performance – how do we account for this for the students that do not have involved parents?
  • Loved the comparison of choosing a high school being like a game of telephone!  So true!
  • The analogous comparisons to choosing a college were great.  Many of you highlighted a wealth of resources accessed – in-person and online.  How does this compare to high school decisions?
  • Is a student enrolled in a high school really worth $65k?!?
  • Big discussion on IB v. AP – what does college admissions say on this?

Keep up the great work team!