Gallery Day Reflection

Gallery Day was a great experience for our team. For some of our team members it was their first time meeting our project sponsor, Debra. Debra brought her coworker Bayey and an intern Andy with her to our exhibit. The three of them were impressed with the amount of work we had done in a relatively short amount of time. Our team had difficulty getting a start on the project because we lacked clarity on the objective of the project and the work that Imani Unidad did in the community.

We walked Debra, Bayey, and Andy through the ethnographic research and interviews that we had conducted and highlighted the insights that we had drawn. We came to a consensus that we would prepare visual graphics for Imani Unidad to use as marketing materials. Debra, Bayey, and Andy left us with some helpful suggestions as we finish up the last of our ethnographic research. We will be reaching out to other property management persons to conduct interviews similar to what we did with managers of student housing properties.

What was most helpful, however, was attending a Peer to Peer group meeting at Imani Unidad on Wednesday evening after Gallery Day. We got to talk with individuals who Imani Unidad was trying to help and hear first-hand accounts from the difficulties they faced in trying to reenter society after being released from incarceration.