Mark Harrell-Ethnography Summary For the Boys and Girls Club of South Bend

Expert Interview: Rachael

I really enjoyed my interview with Rachael as she provided good insight to many of the issues with the teen program. Perhaps the biggest insight I gained was the issues with transportation and getting teenage users to the club itself. Beyond some of the middle schools in the area, there is no available transportation to the club from the high schools and as a result the attendance has dropped. The teen club is comprised of approximately 20-25 members.

Expert Interviews: Camille

My interview with Camille was very insightful given her experience and amount of time spent at the club (She’s been a part of the club since 1998). She too addressed the issue of transportation and provided stories of the dangers of some of the kids walking to the club from home or school. She also sighted that when the transportation was available from the high schools, the attendance was over 100 members for the teen program alone. Camille also went into some of the details regarding the Friday night pizza and “teen night” at the club that could potentially be a valuable tool when trying to attract teens in the future.


User Interviews:

Speaking with a wide variety of users during my time at the club gave me a better insight into how the users got to the club, and how difficult it truly was for some of the users to get to the club. Many also felt that they would have more of their peers attend if transportation was available from their high schools. Many also felt that if teen night on Fridays was brought back that their friends would be more interested in attending.



Spending time at the club allowed me to observe how the users interacted and what their day was like at the club. What I mostly saw was kids being active in the impressive gym facility that the club has. I personally believe that this gym can be utilized and an attractive asset to attract more users.