Card Sort Reflection – Amanda

The results of our card sort were not as surprising since we understand that food and shelter tend to be the most important necessities to the homeless population and to those looking to escape homelessness.

However, something we did not take into account is that most of the individuals who participated in the card sort knew about the resources available to them in South Bend, they just simply did not take advantage of them. We did not ask enough questions as to why resources such as Memorial Hospital and Oak Lawn were not popularly were not typically used even though we concluded that mental illness and substance abuse were two big issues in the homelessness issue in South Bend. Both resources provide services such as counseling for mental health and substance abuse, addiction treatment, and child services. Therefore, it may be important to ask and get more information on why these services are underused. Something we didn’t account for was the possibility that the current homeless population or those in danger of homelessness do not have the proper transportation or simply are not aware of how to get to these programs.