Gallery Day Reflection

Gallery Day Reflection

Key Takeaways

  • Our research was organized well & covered a wide range of the spectrum
    • The interviews we conducted spanned each age segment in the the retired population
    • The word cloud put this all in perspective
  • Our team feels comfortable enough that we can extract insights & have a point of view with the guiding principles we develop
    • Each of the team feel they have a perspective & can recognize patterns between the research we have conducted
  • We have a much clearer understanding of what Optum is looking for after showing our contact, Pat Keran, our research/progress
    • Geared to maximizing time in home
    • Early Age in Retirement Spectrum
    • Internet of things
    • Preventionary product/service
  • Our team worked really together
    • Everyone was very knowledgable on our call with our contact
    • Each member showed up to prep & took ownership in a piece of the presentation

Gaps in Research

  • Our research did not take into account a diverse population
    • Include women
    • Include minorities
    • Our interviewee’s were largely white males
    • Pat wants us to broaden the population of our research
  • A lot of feedback on some short questions such as habits/needs would be great to further clarify our thoughts
    • Perhaps a survey?
  • Our team does not have an opinion on current IOT solutions in the marketplace  

Plans Going Forward

  • We will go back to our contact at Morningside Nursing Home to get other recommendations for experts we could talk to on pre-assisted living retirement
  • We will reach out to those in our network who fit the mold of our new focus: early side of the retirement spectrum, we will also be sure to chat with a representative sample
  • We will develop a quick survey to send out to gauge responses on quick questions so we can further distill our insights
  • We will start researching current IOT marketplace solutions
  • We will extract 15+ Patterns & 3 Guiding Principles from the materials we have prepared