Ethnography Summary – Daniel on SB Ave.

On Friday, Parker, Matt and I interviewed Daniel, a chronically homeless man that is usually on the corner of S Bend Ave and Ironwood.

Ethnography Summary: Daniel

Date: 3/3/17

Type: Interview

Location/Time: Corner of S Bend Ave and Ironwood, where he was sitting/walking around asking for money at 10am on Friday 3/3

Team Participants: Sarah Riehl, Matthew McCormick, Parker Mathes

User Characteristics:

  • Chronically homeless
  • Male, age 34
  • Physically disabled
    • Bilateral drop foot
    • Seizures
  • Has seizures

Top 3 Learnings:

  1. South Bend has strong programs in place to provide the necessary, day-to-day resources.
  2. Losing an address when becoming homeless can cause significant issues to receiving necessary medication.
  3. Daniel was homeless with his wife, which put a lot of pressure on their relationship and made it difficult to remain positive and happy.


  • There is a clear lack of accessibility to transitional housing for those financially unable to move into permanent housing.
  • Incredibly unique story of homelessness, physical disability can be even more challenging to deal with than substance abuse or mental illness.
  • The resources available to acquire food are incredibly beneficial.

Memorable Quotes:

  1. “I was living a normal life until my concussion in high school football changed everything.”
  2. “My wife’s family won’t speak to me because they think I dragged her into homelessness with me. It’s tough because I love her and want to speak with her family.”
  3. “Acquiring and maintaining a job with a physical disability has been one of the most difficult aspects of my life. Without a steady income stream, it’s tough to get by.”
  4. “I just need to get in transitional housing. Then things will get better for my wife and I. Until then, things will be challenging.”