Prototype Plan

Prototype Plan

Plan 1: Counseling Network

Consider the Setting:


  • Develop rough idea in familiar operating environment (i.e. classroom setting)
    • Familiar setting will help us prototype rapidly to create visual manifestations of our initial ideas/concepts
  • Utilize whiteboards, classroom materials, and sticky notes
  • Prototype all ideas from Ideation Summary


  • Introduce prototype into the community
    • United Methodist Church soup kitchen
    • Mayor’s Office meetings (Cherri and Suzanna)
    • Center for the Homeless
    • South Bend Correctional Facility
  • We believe that we will learn most from seeing our prototype in the context in which it will ultimately be used
    • Challenging to evaluate the effects/impacts of our prototype on the homeless population, as the behavior, reactions, and responses of homeless individuals is often unpredictable

Define What to Test:


  • We would like to receive feedback on all of our testing. This feedback will come from individuals already working on solving the homeless problem, organizations already in place to serve the homeless, and the homeless population themselves.  


  • We would like people to participate in our counseling program. To accomplish this we would have to run some questionnaires, surveys, or interview to see if our programs would be viable enough for people to participate in them. In addition seeing if people recommend the counseling program could help see if these programs could successfully spread.


  • Our ultimate goal is to see a positive impact and reduction in the chronically homeless population of South Bend. It will be important to study if the behaviors of the homeless change in response to the introduction of  counseling.

Define Feedback Activities:

  • Arrange for conversation to present our prototype to experts and homeless individuals
    • “Would this be implementable in South Bend? What are the obstacles?”
    • “Would this help the homeless population gain awareness and access to resources as well as motivation that they didn’t have prior?”
    • “How could we make this network even better/more useful?”
    • “Who could be the sponsors behind this project? The City? Center for Homeless? Notre Dame?” 

Plan 2: Communal Housing

Consider The Setting:

We would create a floor-plan for this housing space using glue and foam boards in class. Creating this prototype in class would be the fastest and easiest way to build this rough model.

Define What to Test:

  • Would the City be willing to subsidize a project like this?
  • Is this temporary housing helping individuals work towards permanent housing?
  • Do they take care of the apartments?
  • Does living in close quarters with other homeless individuals work well? (i.e. no drug use)
  • Would these help put strain away from housing projects already in place? (i.e. center for the homeless)

Define Feedback Activities:

  • Arrange for conversation to present our prototype to experts and homeless individuals
    • “Would this be implementable in South Bend? What are the obstacles?”
    • “How could we make this housing plan even better/more useful?”
    • “Would this fulfill a need that is not currently met?”
    • “Who could be the sponsors behind this project? The City? Center for Homeless? Notre Dame?”
  • Talk to contacts involved with the City of South Bend government
  • Talk to homeless shelters/programs already in place to see if they would be willing to change their model

Plan 3: Food Delivery on Bikes

Consider The Setting: We would employe the homeless in areas where there would be high demand for delivery food. This can be tested by seeing if we would be able to bike back to downtown after imaging we were delivering food from various locations.

Define What to Test:

  • Would food delivery companies be willing to implement this?
  • How much would they be willing to pay?
  • Would they hire someone with minimal work experience?
  • Would the City be willing to give some sort of financial incentive to companies willing to implement this program?
  • Would this program be able to run during the winter season?

Define Feedback Activities:

  • Arrange for conversation to present our prototype to companies as well as the town
  • Work with Mayor’s office in their homeless focus group
  • Speak directly with homeless population on their new stream of income

Create Solution Evaluation Matrix:

Criteria Weight Rating Score
Feedback 0.33 1     2     3     4
Implementation Timeframe 0.33 1     2     3     4
Financial Viability 0.33 1     2     3     4
Totals 100% 1     2     3     4