Prototype Plan

Idea 1: Mobile App/ Scheduling System 

Summary of Idea: Idea 1 consists of a system utilizing both an app/website as well as a receptionist/ transportation coordinator. The system will begin when a patient first schedules an appointment. The receptionist will ask if they have a Smartphone. If yes, the receptionist will ask if they would prefer to get text message and use an app or to receive a phone call. If no, it will automatically be a phone call. A few days before the appointment there will be a confirmation text or call. With the text, the patient will confirm the appointment and answer if they need transportation help. If yes, it will direct them to a webpage or an app in which they can enter all of the relevant information such as appointment time, pickup location, insurance information, budget, number of passengers, etc. The app will put out all of the relevant transportation options including cost and duration of trip and the patient will select and schedule the method of their choice. If the patient does not have a smartphone or does not choose to use the app, a phone call will be made and a receptionist or transportation coordinator will enter the information into the system and book the transportation. Patients will also receive a push notification or automated phone call the morning of their appointment reminding them of their pickup time and method of transportation.

Consider the Setting: We believe that it would be beneficial to first show our rough idea of our prototype to experts and staff such as Michelle, Geoff, Receptionists and Care Coordinators. Given that this is a system that would be used by SJHS and their staff, the input from the people running the technology would be the most beneficial in helping us modify and tweak our prototype to best fit SJHS needs. We would also want to talk to someone in the IT department about systems integration. After the app is created, we would then test it on users.

Define What to Test: We would test the ability for the app to effectively schedule and book transportation services. We would also test to see if the SJHS staff is able to use the system and integrate it into their current system and daily work. In doing so, we will be able to discover the effectiveness of our overall prototype system. It is important for us to determine if this system could work with the SJHS administrative staff before going any further because if it cannot work with the administrators then it will not be able to work for the patients themselves.

Define Feedback Activities: Our first order of business is to get into contact with the stakeholders that we have already interviewed. Feedback from stakeholders such as Geoff would be extremely useful because these people have already worked to solve the current transportation problems. Furthermore, talking with Michelle is crucial because she will be able to tell us whether or not our prototype would work on a large scale with the many offices of the SJHS. Lastly, we must meet with more receptionists and volunteers because they will be the ones who would actually be using our service in their day-to-day work. In talking with all of these stakeholders, we will be able to make changes to our idea, and ultimately come up with the best possible solution to the transportation problems at hand.


Idea 2: Uber Partnership 

Summary of Idea:

Idea 2 involves St. Joseph Health System developing a partnership with Uber.  While prices associated with Uber may be a concern, the flexibility and readiness that Uber provides will have enough of a positive impact that SJHS will overcome its current transportation problem.  Some barriers to developing such a partnership include billing; while Medicaid patients are covered for transportation in most situations, the amount organizations are reimbursed varies between states.  Another issue is the fact that SJHS patients and clients may not have the ability to readily access technology such as smartphones used to request Uber rides.  The benefits that having clients use Uber affords healthcare organizations outweighs these barriers, and there are even ways to overcome these barriers.  At the following URL,, a healthcare expert discusses the various ways organizations have undertaken partnerships with Uber and Lyft to overcome problems with transportation.  There is an opportunity for SJHS to give patients access to requesting Ubers on their website or through phone calls with receptionists.  Our team will conduct further research into the intricacies of billing regulations and any other liabilities or other issues associated with SJHS partnering with a transportation company such as Uber.

Consider the Setting: We are not innovating a product necessarily, but rather creating a new relationship between SJHS and Uber.  SJHS employees will have a general awareness of Uber’s technology, yet we could certainly role play as SJHS clients looking for a ride and reveal how efficient Uber is.  We feel it would be beneficial to pitch our idea to SJHS at one of their facilities.  With access to multiple departments, we could discuss the complexities of billing with SJHS employees who would be involved.  We could also have a few SJHS volunteers join the meeting, so they could gain a better understanding of what it would look like assisting people arriving at the hospital in Ubers.

Define What to Test : We need to test our idea in two ways.  First, we need to assess the likelihood of SJHS patients using Uber after a partnership had been developed.  Through our research we are confident that clients would use Uber.  Secondly, we need to test how SJHS employees adjust to a partnership with Uber.  Employees in charge of billing with Medicaid and Medicare patients will take on a slightly different role since adjustments would need to be made when billing for patients who used Uber.

Define Feedback Activities: We will assess feedback from patients’ point of view and SJHS employees’ perspective.  We will plan to visit different SJHS facilities and ask patients whether they used Uber.  If they answer yes, we will ask how they felt about the experience.  We will also develop a survey to be passed out to patients, possibly in the Emergency Room or in the lobbies of different facilities.  Finally, we will conduct several meetings with SJHS employees throughout the next few months after establishing a partnership with Uber. This will allow us to assess the functionality of the new partnership from SJHS’s perspective.

Idea 3: SHJS Shuttle Service 

Summary of Idea: Idea 3 involves SJHS purchasing at least two vans to provide patients complimentary rides to and from their appointment in specific drop-off/ pick-up zones. To request a ride, patients would either call or visit the hospital website. Patients would be required to give their name, location, and number of people they are riding with. Shuttles would go to designated drop-off/pick-up locations based on the database of SJHS’s clients in the Mishawaka area. Approved volunteers could drive the shuttles and be in constant communication with a dispatcher for every drop-off and pick-up.


Consider the Setting: This idea would best be shared in a meeting with team members, Michelle, Geoff and SJHS staff present. It would be best to go over logistics and the big picture plan with Geoff and Michelle who can add valuable input with their expertise and experience. Once the idea is approved by SJHS, we would meet with the IT department to go over updating their website so that users can request rides online.


Define What to Test: Would clients use shuttle service? What kinds of clients would use it? How do we make the service convenient to patients and resource efficient to the organization? How do we approve volunteer drivers? Where will the startup money come from? Does SJHS have a flexible budget that will enable this program to work?


Define Feedback Activities:

We would start out by administering a survey to see how many patients are interested in utilizing this service. In doing so, we will be able to identify whether or not our idea is feasible in the first place. From a financial aspect, we will need to meet with SJHS administrators that deal specifically with managing system budgets. This will allow us to determine if our idea is financially doable and if there is any room in the budget to fund the start of the program.