Interactive Ethnography: Graffiti Wall

Before immersing ourselves in Wood Ridge Assisted Living, I contacted Angela in order to setup a graffiti wall a week in advance. She suggested that we place the graffiti wall in the employee break room. Our question, aimed towards the caregivers, was, “What advice would you give your younger self to prepare for becoming a caregiver?” After a week, 7 people responded to the question. While this was not the turnout we were looking for, Connor and I gathered some details about caregivers, one of the pivotal stakeholders of our project.


Key Takeways:

  1. Caregivers do not do the job for money, as they often make low wages.
  2. Becoming a caregiver takes a lot of hard work, training, and studying. It is not a job simply for kind-hearted individuals.
  3. Making retirees days gives caregivers immense joy. Fortunately, it is often not tough to make the elderly happy, as they often just need a good listener and company.