Prototype Summary

You have three great ideas to deliver new and meaningful experiences for the homeless in our community.  For prototyping the ideas, your team will want to go deeper.  For the pet program, can you take a pet to the homeless and observe who approaches you.  How is the demeanor of the homeless person changing?  Engage in a discussion about what, if any type of ways they would like to help the animals.  You would also be mindful of who didn’t approach.  Also, I recently came across a similar service at the Juvenile Justice Center that has had great results:

For the life coach concept, consider creating a flyer.  Perhaps have a few different strips of paper with different services and ways to engage and interact with the homeless individuals in how they would build the service by “building the flyer” – putting the strips of paper onto the flyer wire frame or into an envelope that would represent what the coaching offering would contain.

For the exercise class, offer one.  Who participates?  Who doesn’t?  Why?  Or follow a similar path as the life coach concept and have a discussion over a flyer.

*Just like with your ethnographic research, you will want to capture video, photos, and direct quotes.

For the 5E’s, go deeper here with considering how your user is “enticed”.  This is a big hurdle of how you will compel participation.  Implementation of ideas is always the toughest part!